

Lose that Holiday Weight Gain, the Circuit Training Way

By Chohwora Udu & Jim McHale
Overindulging during the Holiday season is all too easy, we know from experience! Even the best intentions can get forgotten amongst all the different parties and generous portions.
So what happens in January when you want to shed those extra pounds? Back to the same old gym routine? Why not start the New Year with a new training philosophy – high intensity circuit training.
There is a lot of conflicting advice about how long and how hard you need to exercise in order to lose weight. A high intensity circuit is proven to increase your metabolism and burn loads of calories. High intensity exercises should push you to between 70% and 80% of your working heart rate. It requires hard work, but don’t let this put you off. Given a balanced nutritious diet, high intensity exercises will help you to achieve your weight loss goals.
Below is one of our favorite weight loss circuits. Carry out three circuits of all eight exercises, with no rest breaks between exercises and two minutes of rest between circuits. It should take just over one hour in total.

1. Skipping – 3 minutes.
2. Farmer’s Walk – 4 x 20m Walks. Mark out 20 yards on the ground, holding one dumbbell in each hand and walk quickly.
3. Run (Treadmill) – 5 minutes. Try inclining your run to add extra difficulty.
4. Aerobic Rows – 3 minutes.
5. Burpees – 5 sets of 10 with 30 seconds rest between sets. Start in the push up position, bring your knees to your chest and then stand up quickly performing a jump, before returning to your original position.
6. Airdyne Bike – 1 minute – Using your arms only. If you can’t find one of these, try stacking some steps under a normal exercise bike and using the pedals from that instead.
7. Squat Thrusts – 5 sets of 10 with 30 seconds rest between sets. Start in the push up position, bring one knee to your chest keeping the other leg straight. Quickly swap by straightening your bent leg and bring your other knee into your chest.
8. Exercise Bike – 5 minutes.

High intensity circuit training delivers both muscular and cardiovascular endurance, but, above all, it is fun, engaging and ultimately rewarding.

Chohwora Udu & Jim McHale are the Authors of Hardcore Circuit Training for Men, which will be available at and bookstores nationwide on January 1st.


Craig Malozzi: Not Shy About The Camera

Allamericanguys' new model Craig Malozzi is 21 years and hails from the state of Pennsylvania. He's a college jock, with lots of ambition and drive. He enjoys working out, playing basketball, volleyball and spending quiet nights with his girl friend.

Craig values his education as much as he does keeping in tip top shape. He's studying law but don't let that rather conservative profession fool you into thinking he's shy about showing off his bod. He's not shy about the cameras. He's hoping to take fitness and modeling as far as he can before he settles down to the 9 to 5 routine. At least for now, we can sit back and enjoy what he has to offer.

Craig's stats:
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170
Most admired body part: Biceps

You find many high quality photos and videos with Craig Malozzi on Allamericanguys.


Brock's Passion for Fitness & Modeling

19-year-old Brock, one of Allamericanguys' new model attractions, introduces himself: "Hey guys I'm Brock. Im originally from Ohio, but came to Florida to keep studing theatre. If im not rehearsing for a show, I'm training my clients at the gym or selling supplements at The Vitamin Shoppe. I followed in my father's footsteps and just placed first in my first bodybuilding competition and hope to do more. Hope you guys like my profile and i get to do a few more shoots for AAG!"

Brock's stats:
Height: 5'10, weight: 185
Most admired body part: Legs

You find a big number of high quality photos and videos with Brock on Allamericanguys.