

AJ: New AAG Model

Building a ripped physique is only one of his many skills. Fitness model AJ is a college student nearing graduation with a bachelor's degree in business management. He's interested in working within the commercial insurance industry and also hopes to eventually write a book on business. AJ is from the the midwest and plans to stay in that part of the USA, as his family and friends are all located there. He's hoping to one day find a girl with whom he shares some interests and settle down and start a family. AJ's other interests include nutrition and supplements, movies, women and sports. His favorite sports are baseball, basketball, and football. He's particularly fond of baseball as he's played the sport all his life, including at the collegiate level.

Age at date of debut on AllAmericanGuys: 23 years
Height: 6'0, Weight: 170
Most admired body part: Abdominals
Hobbies: Weightlifting, playing sports, hanging around friends and family, watching sports, playing Xbox

You find many high quality photos and videos of AJ here on AllAmericanGuys.

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