

Jeffrey Beck: Mount Olympus Hike Progress

Dylan's performance is amazing. The young man is a heart transplant recipient, is 6'9, weighs 265 pounds, and is carrying an additional 20 pounds in his backpack during his hike up Mount Olympus in Salt Lake City, Utah. This is part of Dylan's comprehensive fitness programm made up by personal trainer Jeffrey Beck, and it is already their second ascent of this mountain. Jeffrey: "Our new goal is to get to at least 2,000 feet. See how far Dylan and I get this time."

Round one of Jeffrey's and Dylan's hike up Mount Olympus:

You can follow The Dylan Project on Jeffrey Beck's You Tube channel:
Jeffrey Beck's website:
Jeffrey Beck on Facebook: Jeffrey Beck Fitness
Download Jeffrey's personal training app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch here:

Jeffrey is well reputed for his suspenseful and surprising Halloween videos. Here he presents a teaser video with a special announcement:

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