

John Dougherty: Arm Sculpting

Huge arms, a double biceps pose, and a winning smile: Bodybuilder and men's physique competitor John Dougherty beams with joy when checking the effect of his intense arm training. His arms are massive, well-defined, and perfectly sculpted for the contest stage. In the first video John flexes his biceps a few days before he competed in the 2012 NPC Team Universe. In the second and in the third video he demonstrates how he works his arms performing a big variety of exercises.

Video: Biceps flexing

Video: Arm Training (11 days out of the 2012 NPC Jr. USA)

Video: Biceps training (5 weeks out of the 2012 NPC Jr. USA)

1 comment:

  1. Light workout and regular exercises are really helpful to live strong healthy life.
