

Taylor R: New AAG Model

200 lbs of lean muscle: His physique is admirably built, but this handsome fitness model has even more fascinating skills and personality traits. Taylor R. comes to AllAmericanGuys from the state of North Carolina. He's a part time model and small business owner who enjoys interacting with people. He also enjoys doing charitable work and working with the disable. For fun Taylor enjoys outdoor activities, boating and also working out.

Age at date of debut on AllAmericanGuys: 22 years
Height: 6'2, Weight: 200
Most admired body part: Abdominals

You find many high quality photos and videos of Taylor R. here on AllAmericanGuys.


Greg Plitt: Deltoid Dominance Workout

"Strength is not found in the victory, it's found in the hardships and what you overcome to get the victory", Greg Plitt puts right. Prepare for great hardship, as Greg leads you through Deltoid Dominance. The top cover model explains: "This punishing shoulder workout will hit your delts from every angle with exercises you have never seen before. This all out assault on your shoulders is guaranteed to unleash the growth while it tests your desire to achieve your true potential. Make it through Deltoid Dominance, and not only will you master the gym, but you just might find the confidence to master life." The thrilling preview video:

The full Deltoid Dominance Workout is available at Members Testimonial Video 2012:

A year in review for those who joined the ranks in 2012, has fueled the fire of personal transformation for thousands of people, inspiring and motivating them to not only transform their body physically, but also unlocking their mental potential and self confidence to help them build a better life. This video shares just some of the impressive transformations people have made physically and mentally while fueled by the Members Section. exists to provide the truth and uses the gym environment as a metaphor for life, providing the education and motivation to help you take charge of your destiny and become your own master!

The Members Section contains over 250 hours of video, including 62 instructional workout videos, $9.95 a month for full access.


Greg Plitt: Never Looking Back Workout

Profound knowledge combined with conclusive philosophy: Greg Plitt's approach to fitness is unique, highly motivating and always surprising. The top cover model introduces his new workout: "Winning isn't everything, but training to win is. Having the will to win, that is everything." Train to win with Greg as he leads you through his new Never Looking Back Workout. The bodybuilder explains: "Make it through the barrage of exercises in this grueling back workout and, not only will you unleash the growth, but you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you put the work in today, so you don't have to wonder "what if" tomorrow. I show you how to give it your all now, so you never have to look back on your life with regret later. Your greatest achievement isn't in the past, it's still to come...ensure you're ready for it!" The thrilling preview video:

The full Never Looking Back Workout is available at Members Testimonial Video 2012:

A year in review for those who joined the ranks in 2012, has fueled the fire of personal transformation for thousands of people, inspiring and motivating them to not only transform their body physically, but also unlocking their mental potential and self confidence to help them build a better life. This video shares just some of the impressive transformations people have made physically and mentally while fueled by the Members Section. exists to provide the truth and uses the gym environment as a metaphor for life, providing the education and motivation to help you take charge of your destiny and become your own master!

The Members Section contains over 250 hours of video, including 62 instructional workout videos, $9.95 a month for full access.
