

4 Tips to Exercise While Traveling

Guest article written by Mike Manning

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Sticking to fitness routine while you are traveling for can be a challenge. Unfortunately, if you slack on your workouts while you are vacationing or traveling for business, it is easy to lose motivation. Here are some easy tips to help you fit in exercise while you are on the road.

1. Choose a Hotel with a Gym

Before you book your hotel reservations, do your research. On a recent trip to San Francisco I made sure to do some due diligence in order to get the right hotel for my budget and fitness personality. I did this by checking a travel review site where I could get a list of the best hotels in San Francisco and see the amenities each hotel offered. This was extremely helpful for me so I could book the right hotel for my trip. Hotels are aware that travelers are looking for ways to workout, so they are providing gyms and organized exercise classes as part of their packages. The use of the hotel gym is usually covered in the cost of your room. If there is no gym at the hotel, check to see if there is one nearby. Most gyms will allow you to use their facilities for a small fee.

2. Do Laps at the Hotel Pool

Swimming is a great way to get an all-in-one cardio and resistance workout. If the hotel has a pool, do a few laps early in the morning while the other guests are still asleep. If you usually do hardcore cardio and weight training workouts, swimming will be a nice change of pace as it is low impact and it gives your joints a break.

3. Take Workout DVDs

If you have access to a portable DVD player or a laptop, take workout DVDs with you. Exercise DVDs are easy to stash in your luggage and they can give you one heck of a workout. If you are staying on the upper level of a hotel, you don’t want to disturb the guests below you, so opt for low impact aerobic or yoga DVDs that do not require a lot of jumping around.

4. Pack Lightweight Exercise Equipment

Yoga mats, resistance bands, jump ropes and handheld weights offer a variety of exercise options without adding too much bulk to your luggage. You can use these pieces of equipment with your DVDs or you can be creative and come up with your own exercise.

Remember, it is easy to get carried away with fatty foods while you’re traveling. This can really take a toll on your fitness efforts. In addition to finding ways to exercise while you’re traveling, monitor what you eat.

About the author: Mike Manning is a blogger and has always been a fitness and living healthy enthusiast. You can check out his blog at

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