

Greg Plitt: Bodyweight Beatdown Workout

"Only the weak go after things and attempt things that they already know they can achieve", Greg Plitt states. The star bodybuilder and top cover model likes to provoke, but only to get a rise out of his followers and to help them make progress. Prepare to be challenged as you never have before, as Greg unleashes his Bodyweight Beatdown Workout, which can be done anywhere. As you fight your way through this punishing 12-round circuit of bodyweight exercises, it's you versus you as you destroy your weakness and replace it with strength. "This workout will test you, it will break you too, but in doing so, it's going to grow you", Greg promises. The thrilling preview video:

The full Bodyweight Beatdown Workout is available at Members Testimonial Video 2012:

A year in review for those who joined the ranks in 2012, has fueled the fire of personal transformation for thousands of people, inspiring and motivating them to not only transform their body physically, but also unlocking their mental potential and self confidence to help them build a better life. This video shares just some of the impressive transformations people have made physically and mentally while fueled by the Members Section. exists to provide the truth and uses the gym environment as a metaphor for life, providing the education and motivation to help you take charge of your destiny and become your own master!

The Members Section contains over 250 hours of video, including 66 instructional workout videos, $9.95 a month for full access.


Greg Plitt: Gun Blast Workout

Before Greg Plitt is blasting his mind-blowing, bulging biceps in the video below, he explains his approach to change: "If you want to change what you see, you first have to change how you see things, then it comes down to your commitment to see that through." If you think you have that commitment to change, Greg's Gun Blast Workout will be the ultimate test of that commitment, as he unleashes a six-round, super-set bicep bursting exercise barrage the likes of which you have never seen nor experienced before. Get ready to blast your guns and unlock the growth with this over an hour long instructional workout video just added to the Members Section. The star bodybuilder and top cover model sums up: "Champions aren't born, they're created. Complete this workout and you'll put another nail in the structure." The thrilling preview video:

The full Gun Blast Workout is available at Members Testimonial Video 2012:

A year in review for those who joined the ranks in 2012, has fueled the fire of personal transformation for thousands of people, inspiring and motivating them to not only transform their body physically, but also unlocking their mental potential and self confidence to help them build a better life. This video shares just some of the impressive transformations people have made physically and mentally while fueled by the Members Section. exists to provide the truth and uses the gym environment as a metaphor for life, providing the education and motivation to help you take charge of your destiny and become your own master!

The Members Section contains over 250 hours of video, including 66 instructional workout videos, $9.95 a month for full access.


Austin C: AAG Fitness Model

The colors of his shorts are gorgeous, but they are easily surpassed by his stunningly ripped beach body. Austin C. is a bodybuilder and fitness model who recently was discovered while in the gym. He is attending college and hopes to one day make a name for himself in the fitness and modeling worlds. His hobbies include working out, listening to music and cooking.

AAG Debut: April 2013
Age at date of Debut on AAG: 22 years
Height: 5'8
Weight: 175
Most admired body part: Abdominals
Hobbies: Weight lifting, modeling, music, cooking
Favorite food: Salmon, tilapia, steak, chicken, pasta, pizza
Favorite sport: Baseball
Favorite singer: House, Rock, R&B and Rap
Favorite color: Blue

You find many high quality photos and videos of Austin C. here on AllAmericanGuys.

Greg Plitt: C-Block Workout

This time Greg Plitt poses one of the most existential questions: "If tomorrow doesn't happen, would you still do what you're about to do today?" And he continues: "If that answer is no, you're alive, but you're not living." The star bodybuilder and top cover model is unsurpassed when it comes to combining workout and wisdom. Prepare to change your life up and get your upper body ready for the all-out assault of Greg's Cinder Block Workout. First, Greg shows you how to gather the materials you'll need to create a gym that you can use anywhere, for less than 10 dollars. Next, Greg leads you through a barrage of exercises that will not only change your body, but, if you make it through them, just might give you the confidence and strength to change your life. The thrilling preview video:

The full C-Block Workout is available at Members Testimonial Video 2012:

A year in review for those who joined the ranks in 2012, has fueled the fire of personal transformation for thousands of people, inspiring and motivating them to not only transform their body physically, but also unlocking their mental potential and self confidence to help them build a better life. This video shares just some of the impressive transformations people have made physically and mentally while fueled by the Members Section. exists to provide the truth and uses the gym environment as a metaphor for life, providing the education and motivation to help you take charge of your destiny and become your own master!

The Members Section contains over 250 hours of video, including 66 instructional workout videos, $9.95 a month for full access.


Greg Plitt: Push Performance Workout

"When the winds of life don't hit your sails, you grab the oars of life and you start pushing", Greg Plitt introduces his new workout, and once again proves that he is not only a star bodybuilder and top cover model, but also a master of motivation. Greg shows you how to push yourself as he leads you through Push Performance, his complete chest, shoulder, and tricep burnout workout. This triple super set workout consists of two rounds, a punishing round of mass building exercises to make your muscles grow and a high-rep shaper round that will make your muscles burn and bring out the definition. Greg: "Make it through these stormy waters and you won't need to worry about life's winds, you'll have the confidence that you can reach safe harbor under your own power." The thrilling preview video:

The full Push Performance Workout is available at Members Testimonial Video 2012:

A year in review for those who joined the ranks in 2012, has fueled the fire of personal transformation for thousands of people, inspiring and motivating them to not only transform their body physically, but also unlocking their mental potential and self confidence to help them build a better life. This video shares just some of the impressive transformations people have made physically and mentally while fueled by the Members Section. exists to provide the truth and uses the gym environment as a metaphor for life, providing the education and motivation to help you take charge of your destiny and become your own master!

The Members Section contains over 250 hours of video, including 66 instructional workout videos, $9.95 a month for full access.
