

Justin Woltering: Testosterone - The Science Of Building Lean Muscle

Testosterone: The Science of Building Lean Muscle

by Justin Woltering

If you've been bodybuilding for long, you probably understand how important genetics are for gaining mass and getting lean. But have you ever thought what that specifically means? What genes make it so easy (or so hard) to get big? Are some people just genetically doomed to stay small and weak? What it is about the biggest guys that helps them get so strong? Testosterone!

While we certainly can't attribute every bit of muscle-building success to a single hormone, testosterone is THE key to unlocking your true potential. Those gifted mesomorphs you see in the gym – the ones who can eat whatever they want, train half-assed, and still grow – they're like that because they naturally have super-high testosterone!

Fortunately, your own testosterone-producing abilities aren't set in stone. Even if you look and feel like a low-T guy right now, there are plenty of tweaks you can make to your diet, training, and lifestyle to boost your natural production. Here a few of my favorites.

Micronutrition Matters

Far too many bodybuilders focus only on macronutrients – proteins, carbs, and fats. This is why bland, colorless meals like chicken and rice are so common, and why some lifters don't bother to ever eat vegetables. The truth is, though, that vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients are absolutely crucial in the production of testosterone and other hormones. Your body needs specific materials to produce them, and you can't cover your bases if all you eat is meat.

Some of the most important micronutrients include iodine, selenium, sodium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D-3 – and we're barely scratching the surface! To up your intake of all these vital nutrients, start eating tons of fresh vegetables with every meal. Most veggies contain hardly any sugar or starch, so more is almost always better.

Another way to boost your micronutrient intake is to spend some extra money on grass-fed, pasture-raised animal products. Beef and eggs can be fantastic sources of B-vitamins and healthy fats, but only if they're fed their proper diets!

Eat your Fats!

Low-fat diets are truly terrible for the natural bodybuilder. Study after study has shown a positive correlation between fat intake and testosterone production, so get your grub on with steaks, eggs, and fatty fish! Contrary to popular belief, saturated fat is actually good for if it comes from quality sources, so don't be afraid of butter or coconut oil, either. It's the hydrogenated trans fats you've really got to avoid.

Carbs: Do you Really Need Them?

If you're going to be eating more fat, do you really need all those carbs? Carb needs and tolerance vary wildly among individuals, so you're really just going to have to test things for yourself. In general, I find it best to limit carb intake to the pre, intra, and post-workout periods – the times when you know your body can put them to good use. Don't gorge on potatoes and rice all day, but don't go too low on carbs, either – at least not for days on end. Ketogenic diets can be useful for fat loss, but in the long run they will lower your production of thyroid hormone – one of the primary controllers of testosterone.

Getting Lean and Mean

You might not want to hear this if you're already on the chubby side, but body fat is a testosterone killer. More specifically, high levels of body fat will cause you to CONVERT testosterone into estrogen. You'll end up with low T and high E – a double-whammy for BURNING muscle and BUILDING fat. If you want that next mass gaining phase to really go well, focus first on getting lean.

The Cycle of Stress

There's a good reason why high-T, confident guys don't stress much. Both chronic and acute stress raise your cortisol levels, which in turn leads to less testosterone production. Low T and high cortisol make it easier to get upset, and you end up in a stressful cycle that'll kill your gains. Stress really is a killer, so try to chill out! Minimize the negative influences in your life, and practice meditation and other calming exercises.

Lift like Natural

There's a lot to be learned from professional bodybuilders, but you'd do well NOT to model your training after theirs. Doing endless sets and reps with hardly ever a day off is a great way to overtrain and wreck your hormone levels. Most people won't cross that threshold, but there is a point where you'll see diminishing returns from hard, heavy training.

More importantly, you need to focus on the heavy, compound lifts quite a bit more than most pros. Squats, deadlifts, and presses in the 4-6 rep range – that's the stuff that'll really boost your natural T! In fact, a full body routine or powerlifting split will probably be best for optimizing your hormones. These workouts may not seem as glamorous as body part splits, but they definitely deliver results.


Justin Woltering is a distinguished fitness expert, author, sponsored athlete, and top cover model. With five certifications and a life long commitment to fitness, Justin is guaranteed to stay on the cutting edge of the industry. He is an experienced fitness consultant who has helped thousands of workout enthusiasts transform their physiques with his exclusive books, videos, articles, and training tips.



Justin Busiere: AAG Fitness Model

He has definitely perfected the conjunction of sizable muscle mass and extreme definition. Justin Busiere is a college student and part time model residing in Florida. He is also a champion IFBB pro who is steadily building his name in the world of men's physique competitions. Justin trains about 6 times a week in the gym and is also interested in the sport of bodybuilding. Watch for him on the competition circuit and right here on AllAmericanGuys.

AAG Debut: August 2013
Age at date of Debut on AAG: 22 years
Height: 6'1
Weight: 215
Most admired body part: Legs

You find many high quality photos and videos of Justin Busiere here on AllAmericanGuys.


Justin Woltering: How To Build The Perfect X-Frame

Workout Routines for Men: How to Build the Perfect X-Frame

by Justin Woltering

How should you train for the ultimate male physique? There are plenty of workout routines “for men” on the web and in magazines, but most of them just fall short. Too many sissy exercises, all sorts of cardio, and none of the hard, heavy lifting that really matters. Plus, most trainers fail to focus on the right body parts that give men that coveted “X-frame” - broad shoulders, big legs, and wide lats.

While you should certainly train every body part hard, you're going to want to emphasize specific areas to get that powerful look – the kind of physique that movie stars, fitness models, and bodybuilders always want to achieve. Here are my top training tips for building that kind of body as quickly as possible.

Slam Those Shoulders

You can find all sorts of articles that claim this or that body part “defines” the male physique, but NOTHING inspires awe and respect like a huge pair of shoulders. From the time of the gladiators to today, broad delts are the first thing people notice about a dude who's big and strong. It's still important to build your chest and arms, but they won't do much for you if your shoulders aren't up to snuff.

The best way to build your delts? Presses, presses, and more presses. Some guys will disagree, saying that side raises and rear raises are actually more important. While those exercise do help to build wide shoulders, you're never going to gain much mass if you're weak at overhead pressing. You'll rarely – if ever – see someone with a big military press who doesn't have huge delts.

So, the first and second movements in your shoulder routine should be some kinds of presses. The classic, standing military press is my favorite, but behind-the-neck and seated presses can be just as good. Once you're done with those movements, move on to the side and rear laterals, and ALWAYS finish up with some heavy shrugs. To get that full, thick shoulder girdle, you need to have an impressive pair of traps.

A Barn-Door Back

Big shoulders will show off your strength from the front, but you've got to build a wide, thick back to look good from all angles. Even guys who don't weigh that much can still look imposing when they've got an impressive upper back. Plus, your back strength will largely determine how much strength and size you can build in other areas, especially in your chest. As Arnold always said, the quickest way to boost your “chest” measurement is to build bigger lats.

My favorites for back are the basics – pull-ups, heavy rows, and deadlifts. For most guys, building strength on these tried-and-true movements will lead to incredible gains in overall back development. Go heavy, go hard, and use straps if you need to. You don't want your grip strength to limit the weight you can handle with your lats and traps.

Building Your Sweep

Forget the V-taper! Big shoulders and a wide back are only half the equation, and workouts routines for men should always include some hard-ass leg training. Most onlookers won't notice when a guy's legs aren't developed, but a muscular lower body WILL set you apart. Besides, nobody who's scared to squat ends up making ANY progress, anyway.

Of course, the foundation of any good leg training is the good, old-fashioned barbell squat. There's no avoiding this exercise if you want to build as much muscle as quickly as possible. Not only is the squat the best exercise for overall leg development – it's the key to growth all over your body! Heavy squatting forces your body to produce a cocktail of anabolic hormones – testosterone, growth hormone, and more.

Aside from squats and similar movements – leg presses, hack squats, and lunges – you'll want to throw in plenty of calf training. You don't want to look skinny from the knees down when you wear shorts! Don't think you can get away with a few sets of calf raises as an afterthought, either. The only reason most trainees have a hard time with calves is that they hardly dedicate any time and effort to them. Do 3-4 sets of raises at least twice per week, and take each set to the absolute limits of your pain tolerance. When it comes to calves, you're not really working until it hurts!

Staying in Shape

This is the kicker for a lot of trainees, especially pudgier guys who've been training for years. No matter how much muscle you build, you're not going to get that X-frame physique without a small, lean waist. There's no point in adding an inch to your shoulders if you eat so much you add two inches to your gut!

If you're still lean, then you don't have much to worry about. Just eat clean, with most of your carbs and calories around workout times. That'll help you use the extra energy for muscle growth, while still burning fat during other times of the day.

If you're already a little portly, however, you're going to need to lose some weight. Don't fall into the endless “bulk or cut” cycle, where you never really focus on one goal. Get six-pack lean with a low-carb diet, and THEN focus on building the mass. If you dial in your diet, you may even be able to gain a little muscle while you drop the flab.

Want to know EXACTLY how to diet – and train – for the ultimate male physique. For more nutrition tips and workout routines for men, check out Bigger, Better, Faster Now – the best source for no-nonsense info on building the perfect physique.


Justin Woltering is a distinguished fitness expert, author, sponsored athlete, and top cover model. With five certifications and a life long commitment to fitness, Justin is guaranteed to stay on the cutting edge of the industry. He is an experienced fitness consultant who has helped thousands of workout enthusiasts transform their physiques with his exclusive books, videos, articles, and training tips.



Josh Boekelman: AAG Fitness Model

His washboard abs seem to be as hard as the rocks by the sea. But this young, avid athlete has many more fascinating traits. Josh Boekelman comes to AllAmericanGuys from the state of Washington. He is an aspiring fitness model and works out five to six days a week in the gym. He's currently pursuing his bachelors in college but hopes to break into the fitness industry. Josh is a champion wrestler and also enjoys all sports.

AAG Debut: July 2013
Age at date of Debut on AAG: 18 years
Height: 5'9
Weight: 172
Most admired body part: Pecs/Chest

You find many high quality photos and videos of Josh Boekelman here on AllAmericanGuys.


Justin Woltering: 5 Movements For Massive Upper Pecs

Upper Chest Exercises: 5 Movements for Massive Upper Pecs

by Justin Woltering

Need a few killer upper chest exercises? If you're like most lifters, your lower chest is coming along fine – but your upper pecs are barely there! Those top muscle fibers are hard to stimulate, and you've got to change up your routine if you ever want to get them to grow. To be honest, the best upper chest exercises are pretty humbling, too. Most guys just don't want to use less weight than they're throwing around on the flat bench!

Still, if you really want to develop that shelf-like upper chest, you're going to have to bite the bullet and try some new movements. Here are my top 5 exercises for this oft-neglected muscle group.

1. Incline Barbell Bench

The incline bench is the bread-and-butter movement for any good upper chest routine. In fact, the bodybuilders with the best, most fully-developed chests usually prioritize incline benching over flat benching. That may not be the best route to take if you want to be a powerlifter, but it WILL help you get a massive upper chest.

If you haven't been hitting this movement hard, you're in for quite a shock – you'll be WAY weaker than you are on the bench press! Rather than avoiding the exercise, look at this weakness as an opportunity to grow. You'll see some serious growth once you gain some respectable strength on the incline.

2. Incline Dumbbell Bench

Another humbling – but critical – movement, the incline dumbbell press is my second-favorite for the upper chest. Barbells seem to produce the most growth, but you'll always need a spotter when you go heavy. If you're training alone, or if you just don't trust anyone in your gym to give a good spot, this should be your main movement.

Make sure you don't cheat, though. A lot of guys don't bring the dumbbells all the way down, but the fully-stretched position is the best for maximal growth. Use a full range of motion, and only up the weight when you know you can keep good form. Also, keep your reps a little higher than you would with barbell presses. Getting the 'bells into position is an exercise unto itself, and you'll waste a lot of energy if you try to go super-heavy.

3. Fly-to-Press

Flyes are great for getting a great pump, but they only stimulate your pecs during the first half of the movement. The fly-to-press, on the other hand, will allow you to use more weight AND torch your pecs more efficiently. Lye on a bench like you normally would for presses, but descend the weights with your arms flared, just like you're going to do a fly. On the way up, bring your hands in a bit and press, contracting your pecs as hard as possible. Once you get the feel for it, this should be one of your go-to upper chest exercises for shape and size.

4. Incline Smith Machine Press

I'm all about free weights, but machines can be great for hard-to-hit body parts. With the smith machine, you can use heavy weights on your presses WITHOUT having to worry about balance and technique. You're forced into the optimal position for pec growth!

For the smith incline press, set an adjustable bench at just a slight incline – no need to go really steep. Get into position so that the bar hits your chest right below your neck, the best position to hit the upper pecs. This can be a little tough on the shoulders, so don't go super-heavy. Instead, do this exercise later in your routine, when you've already done your heavy movements. Do 15 – 20 reps for a few sets, until you've got an awesome pump in your upper pecs. If you've never been able to feel your upper chest working, this exercise will help!

5. Supersets

This isn't exactly an exercise, but supersetting different movements is one of my favorite techniques for upper chest training. It's always best to pair a “flex” movement with a press: incline bench with incline flyes, cable crossovers with incline smith press, etc. Do the press first to move some heavy weight, and follow it with the flex movement to get a killer pump!

Need more killer training tips on the hard-to-hit body parts? How about help with your nutrition and supplements? For the best info on muscle building, strength training, and fat loss, check out Bigger, Better, Faster Now!


Justin Woltering is a distinguished fitness expert, author, sponsored athlete, and top cover model. With five certifications and a life long commitment to fitness, Justin is guaranteed to stay on the cutting edge of the industry. He is an experienced fitness consultant who has helped thousands of workout enthusiasts transform their physiques with his exclusive books, videos, articles, and training tips.



Tim Hartman: AAG Fitness Model

It's clear at a glance: This young man is a top athlete. Tim Hartman comes to AllAmericanGuys from the state of North Carolina. He's a recent college graduate and is looking to become a chiropractor. He models part time and is looking to break more into the fitness industry, but more so as a part time occupation.

AAG Debut: July 2013
Age at date of Debut on AAG: 23 years
Height: 6'0
Weight: 187
Most admired body part: Abdominals

You find many high quality photos and videos of Tim Hartman here on AllAmericanGuys.


Justin Woltering: 7 Tips To Increase Strength

7 Tips to Increase Strength

by Justin Woltering

Strength: it SHOULD be the main training focus for budding bodybuilders, but far too many guys ignore it. Almost everyone's convinced that certain rep ranges are best for growth, while others are best for strength - but that's nonsense. It's almost as nuts as the idea that light weights and high reps will get you "cut." Have you ever seen a massive bencher with a puny chest? Have you seen a big squatter with tiny legs? It almost never happens. If you really want to spur some incredible growth, start focusing on your maximal strength. Here are a few ways to do it...

1. Don't max out!

Heavy singles can be great (especially when you do a lot of them), but "maxing" all the time is a recipe for disaster. There's a difference between building your strength and TESTING it. You can build it with set after set of heavy lifting, but working up to a one-rep max will do nothing but test. How often do you really need to sacrifice a productive day of training just to "see where you're at?" Leave your ego at the door, and accept that you're not going to hit a max every time you're in the gym.

2. Lift fast.

Whoever popularized slow lifting must never have taken a physics class. Force = mass x acceleration. If you want to produce enough force to lift ever-heavier weights, you've got to train yourself to accelerate the bar as quickly as possible.

Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that you need to incorporate Westside-style "dynamic" workouts. Speed squats and speed benches are useful for some guys, but it's not the kind of thing you want to base entire workouts around. Just start treating EVERY weight like it's your max. When you're warming up, when you're doing higher reps, whenever. Even when the weights look like they're moving slowly, you should be using everything you've got to push (or pull) fast.

3. Up your volume.

"High volume" doesn't necessarily mean high reps. Most bodybuilders operate in extremes, where they're either using light weights, high reps, and tons of sets - or they're doing just a few low-rep sets with heavy weights. A better strength-building strategy is to use heavy weights for LOTS of sets. Just don't blow a gasket by going to failure on every one.

What would an actual workout look like? Instead of working up to just one or two sets of five on the squat, you might use the same weight for six sets of four, or even ten sets of three. Each individual set wouldn't be as tough as one of those fives, but you'd get FAR more total reps in - all of them with a heavy weight.

4. Increase frequency.

Along with an increase in volume, you should also try to up the frequency with which you train each body part or movement pattern. Pulverizing a muscle and letting it rest for a week can work sometimes, but strength is best built with more frequent sessions.

At first, this might mean squatting or benching twice per week instead of once. If you really want to push the frequency, you might work up to three or even four times per week for certain exercises. This is a great strategy if you have a particular lift that really needs improvement.

5. Focus on 3s and 5s.

You can get super-strong with a variety of rep ranges, but sets of three and five are my favorite. Sure, these numbers are a little arbitrary, but the point is that they're low enough to allow for heavy weights - but high enough to require an honest effort on every set. Assuming you're not being stupid and maxing out all the time, singles are just kind of easy - they're over with so fast! I find that using a little less weight and grinding out a couple more reps works MUCH better for building strength.

6. Ditch the cardio.

Even if you're trying to stay lean, cardio should be kept to a minimum. No matter what kind you're doing - sprints, endurance work, easy walking - it's going to eat into your recovery abilities. Your legs may not feel tired after a long walk on the treadmill, but they'll feel shaky as hell once you start squatting.

Don't worry about getting fat, though. If you're increasing the volume and frequency of your strength work, that shouldn't be an issue. Just look at some of the middleweight and lightweight Olympic lifters. They just lift heavy-ass weights all day, and they're ripped to pieces!

7. Gain weight.

This obviously won't work so well if cuts are your goal, but gaining weight is the absolute fastest way to gain strength. This isn't because of some fatty BS about "leverages," either, so don't think you need a big gut to squat big. If you're gaining weight and training for strength, then you're probably gaining new muscle tissue. That makes strength gains WORLDS easier to come by than if you're maintaining or even losing weight.


Justin Woltering is a distinguished fitness expert, author, sponsored athlete, and top cover model. With five certifications and a life long commitment to fitness, Justin is guaranteed to stay on the cutting edge of the industry. He is an experienced fitness consultant who has helped thousands of workout enthusiasts transform their physiques with his exclusive books, videos, articles, and training tips.



Colin Wayne: AAG Fitness Model

He's a husband, dad, fitness model and military man. That's a full load for anybody but for southern guy Colin Wayne, he takes it all in stride. Colin joined the US military in 2006 and has served overseas in Iraq. He was discharged honorably in 2012 and is now focusing on building his modeling/fitness brand. He's also a NPC Physique competitor, striving for his IFBB pro card. Colin has been a hit in the fitness modeling world and is one of the most sought after models today. Watch for his star to rise.

AAG Debut: July 2013
Age at date of Debut on AAG: 23 years
Height: 6'2
Weight: 215
Most admired body part: Pecs/Chest

You find many high quality photos and videos of Colin Wayne here on AllAmericanGuys.


David H: AAG Fitness Model

His massive arm muscles come into their own by his sleeveless shirt. And when he takes it off, it becomes clear how intensely and effectively he exercises and sculpts his body. David H. is from the state of Florida. He's a full time college student and models part time. He enjoys working out, going to the beach and spending time with close family and friends. David has a mellow and laid back personality, and just likes to take one day at a time.

AAG Debut: June 2013
Age at date of Debut on AAG: 20 years
Height: 5'11
Weight: 195
Most admired body part: Pecs/Chest

You find many high quality photos and videos of David H. here on AllAmericanGuys.


Nick Gomez: Physical And Mental Strength

It was a highly thrilling moment at the FIBO 2013 in Cologne. In an aisle of the bodybuilding section an 18-year-old well-toned guy took off his black tank top, and began to flex and pose for a photographer from Soon more and more people gathered to watch the guy as they were amazed at his ripped physique and lean size. He seemed reserved but cool, and evidently enjoyed showing off his imposing body for the camera and the enthusiastic crowd. This young fitness man is Nick Gomez from Valenciennes in France. He stands 5' 9 at 185 lbs. Nick loves fitness. He started working out at 16 doing push-ups and sit-ups. Now he studies sport, and aspires to a career in fitness modeling. This seems very promising in view of his sculpted physique, his handsome, expressive face, and his winning charisma. Nick remembers: "My first meeting with Athletic-Star at the FIBO was rewarding, because I was a novice in the field of fitness modeling." Now he is totally determined. Nick: "I try to work each muscle twice a week. My favorite muscles are biceps and shoulders." He has a balanced and healthy diet, apart from some exceptions on the weekend. "I eat meals with many carbs like pasta and a lot of meat like steaks. In the evening I eat vegetables with turkey or tuna, and between the meals cheese, fruits, and rice cake." Sometimes he drinks a protein shake, but he is not one for supplements. Nick is convinced: "Being natural is a mental strength for me." At the moment he does not much cardio training, because he intends to gain muscle mass and to get at 200 lbs. He wants to develop an aesthetic, well-proportioned physique, improve in every respect as he strives for perfection, and is inspired most by the popular fitness models Jeff Seid and Lazar Angelov. Nick: "I would like to go to America and be a role model for all young people who want to change their shape. And I want to enter contests, because I love competition." In the fitness modeling contest Mister Athletic 2013 Nick has made it to the finals (October 21-31). People can vote for him on

Nick Gomez on Facebook:


Cody Redmond: AAG Fitness Model

What is heavier: the weights he has been lifting, or the muscle mass and the physique he has built with them? Cody Redmond comes to AllAmericanGuys from the east coast of Florida, where he was raised. Interestingly enough, Cody was born in Queens-- in the heart of New York city. Since very little Cody has always been an active guy. He enjoys all sports but especially loves bodybuilding. The beefy hunk was discovered by AAG's contributing photographer Luis Rafael, and since his first shoot with Luis in Miami he's been in high demand ever since. Watch for more of this promising young man.

AAG Debut: June 2013
Age at date of Debut on AAG: 22 years
Height: 5'11
Weight: 210

You find many high quality photos and videos of Cody Redmond here on AllAmericanGuys.


Mister Athletic 2013: The Final

An impressively built physique, an expressive face, a winning charisma - The fitness model who combines all this best will become Mister Athletic 2013, a spectacular vote presented by the new fitness shop After the preselection with 80 competitors, 15 young fitness enthusiasts have made it to the finals (October 21-31). The vote is taken by the visitors of and an expert panel (fifty-fifty). The winner of the first prize will be proclaimed on November 2, and will get a one-year sponsoring of Big Zone worth 1,000 Euro. Other winners can look forward to outfit and equipment of Gym Aesthetics and to a big photo shooting in Berlin. Here are the 15 finalists (images from

Nick G. - Sebastian M. - Joe L.

Rico L. - Ben S. - Lukas E.

Danny R. - Eike W. - Ekin A.

Tim S. - Phillip Z. - Nino R.

Bakdasch I. - David N. - Maurice L.

You can decide who will win. On all 15 competitors are featured with photos and videos, and show off their imposingly ripped physiques. Choose your favorite athletes, and click on the Facebook button "Gefällt mir" (Like).

The Mister Athletic 2013 voting:


Zack Dudley: AAG Fitness Model

This t-shirt covers far more than stunning washboard abs. Zack Dudley is a fitness model who has built a heavily muscled, well-defined upper body. And his strong and well proportioned legs show that he does not skip leg day in his workout routine.

AAG Debut: May 2013
Age at date of Debut on AAG: 23 years
Height: 6'1
Weight: 215
Most admired body part: Legs

You find many high quality photos and videos of Zack Dudley here on AllAmericanGuys.