

Tyler Sarry: Perfecting The Abs

Elaborate, intense, effective: The Double Side Oblique Crunch is "a great exercise to really work the oblique muscles", Tyler Sarry enthuses. In this video the fitness model and personal trainer demonstrates this special exercise and explains on what muscles you should focus on while performing it.


The Naturaletes: CrossFit Test


The benefits of CrossFit as an alternative to traditional isolation exercises, tested by The Naturaletes, a squad of four UK-based fitness professionals: The guys - Hugo, Leon, Redman and Matt - say their training until now has been based largely on isolation exercises - lifting weights in the gym to build specific muscles. Here, they try CrossFit, at CrossFit Evolving Gym in North London, and explain the benefits.


Ryan Nelson: New Shootings

As if he said: "My pecs are big, but my other muscle groups will bowl you over." In fact there is no part of his body which is not trained, built and sculpted to the max. Ryan Nelson's physique is the convincing proof how effective workout, nutrition and lifestyle of natural bodybuilding can be. You find numerous high quality photos and videos of him here on AllAmericanGuys.


Jan Hutka: New Shootings

First he trains intensely in the gym and goes all-out, then he flaunts his sculpted physique in the park. Jan Hutka's photo shoots for CzechYoungMuscle show his many skills. The 21-year-old natural bodybuilder is not only a successful competitor but also a rising fitness model. You find many high quality galleries and videos of Jan Hutka here on CzechYoungMuscle.


Tyler Sarry: Ab Engaged Pull Throughs

Only one dumbbell is needed for this exercise to work the core in combination with the chest and the back. Fitness model and personal trainer Tyler Sarry performs and explains his special pull-over with the abs involved.


Corey Cann: New Shootings

His muscular body easily fills out his t-shirt. And when Corey Cann takes it off, the full effect of his intense training comes to light. The lean size he has put on is imposing, his muscle definition is striking. The popular, rising fitness model demonstrates how well-toned, athletic, and even acrobatic he is for numerous high quality photos and videos published here on AllAmericanGuys.


Jeffrey Beck: Mount Olympus Hike Progress

Dylan's performance is amazing. The young man is a heart transplant recipient, is 6'9, weighs 265 pounds, and is carrying an additional 20 pounds in his backpack during his hike up Mount Olympus in Salt Lake City, Utah. This is part of Dylan's comprehensive fitness programm made up by personal trainer Jeffrey Beck, and it is already their second ascent of this mountain. Jeffrey: "Our new goal is to get to at least 2,000 feet. See how far Dylan and I get this time."

Round one of Jeffrey's and Dylan's hike up Mount Olympus:

You can follow The Dylan Project on Jeffrey Beck's You Tube channel:
Jeffrey Beck's website:
Jeffrey Beck on Facebook: Jeffrey Beck Fitness
Download Jeffrey's personal training app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch here:

Jeffrey is well reputed for his suspenseful and surprising Halloween videos. Here he presents a teaser video with a special announcement:


Tomas Duran: New Shootings

He goes all-out when lifting weights, and beams with joy when flexing to check the effect of his training in the mirror. It's thrilling and motivating to watch 19-year-old natural bodybuilder Tomas Duran working out in the gym and sculpting his physique for his next competition. You find many high quality galleries and videos of him here on CzechYoungMuscle.


Mischa Janiec: Natural Bodybuilding Is My Life

"For me natural bodybuilding is the purest form of bodybuilding and far more than only a sport. It's a passion, it's an attitude to life, it's pure love." Mischa Janiec's enthusiasm is rousing and convincing. In this video the 21-year-old Swiss athlete and personal trainer explains his way to bodybuilding and his goals, demonstrates his training and posing, and assures at the end: "I want to be a bodybuilder and stay fit, as long as I am able to work out."

Mischa speaks German in the video. You can activate the English subtitles, if you click on the symbol on the toolbar of the video.

Video: BodybuildingRev,


Nick Cooper: New Shootings

Front double biceps - the classic pose of a workout enthusiast to flaunt the size of his arm muscles in a "gun show". But Nick Cooper is lifting weights not only to gain mass. The fitness model is an expert on body sculpting, and succeeds in building striking definition equally. You find numerous high quality photos and videos of Nick Cooper here on AllAmericanGuys.


Greg Plitt: LEGit Leg Workout

"The pain you feel today becomes the peace you have tomorrow." Greg Plitt's approach to fitness is hard, but all the more effective. This time the bodybuilder and top cover model introduces LEGit, his complete leg workout. Greg: "Prepare yourself for an all out war on your legs, as I unleash LEGit. This grueling leg workout is guaranteed to unleash the growth as it targets your quads and hams with exercises you have never seen before. Make it through this battle in the gym and enjoy the peace that comes with newfound confidence in yourself and a stronger mind, as well as body." The thrilling preview video:

The full LEGit Leg Workout is available at
The Members Section contains 195 videos, including 56 instructional workout videos, $9.95 a month for full access.

Greg Plitt at Facebook:
Members Testimonial Video:
Greg’s Twitter:!/gregplitt


Jan Hutka: New CYM Model

With his sculpted physique and handsome look he cuts a fine figure both on the contest stage and in the photo studio. Jan Hutka, a 21-year-old natural bodybuilder and new model on CzechYoungMuscle, started working out three years ago, has devoted himself to bodybuilding for one year, and succeeded at his first competitions: He placed second at the Czech Natural Bodybuilding Championship, and third at the World Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship in 2012. Now he has been discovered for fitness modeling, evidently with a bright future.

More high quality photos and videos of Jan Hutka here: CzechYoungMuscle


Ryan Nelson: New Shootings

His chest is almost too big for his tight shirt. And his other muscle groups are equally massive and sculpted. Ryan Nelson is a prime example of showing what an impressively ripped physique and lean size can be achieved by natural bodybuilding. His many shootings for AllAmericanGuys are a pure training, posing and flexing festival. You find numerous high quality photos and videos of Ryan Nelson here on AAG.